Community & Infrastructure
Get the Facts

Community health and infrastructure in Missouri is an important element of public health. Information related to community health and infrastructure can be used to prevent disease, promote health, effectively assess and respond to the needs of the community, and improve the overall wellness of the local population. Currently, community and infrastructure indicators measure health outcomes, crime statistics, access to healthy foods, and other basic infrastructure needs within the community at the state, county, city, and zip code level. When used together, they provide a brief glimpse into the overall health and wellness of the population and provide a foundation for planning, delivering, evaluating, and improving the lives of Missourians.
Note that these measures are a new and developing area within public health. While this information is useful, it is still incomplete, and statistics shown do not imply a relationship between the indicators and possible outcomes. As more information becomes available, these measures will be revised and updated accordingly.
Food and Beverages
- Number and Rate (per 10,000 Population) of Establishments Selling Alcohol in Missouri by County from 2005 - 2009
- Number and Rate (per 10,000 Population) of Establishments Selling Fresh Produce in Missouri by County from 2005 - 2009
- Number and Rate (per 1,000 Population) of Full and Limited Service Restaurants in Missouriby County from 2005 - 2009
- Percent of Restaurants in Missouri that are Fast Food by County from 2005 - 2009
- Ratio of Convenience (Fast) Food Establishments to Establishments Selling Fresh Produce in Missouri by County from 2005 - 2009
- Percent of Households in Missouri Spending 30% or More of Their Income on Housing by County from 2005 - 2010
- Count and Percentage of Occupied and Vacant Housing in Missouri by Countyfrom 1990 - 2010
- Percent of Missouri Households that were Overcrowded by County from 2004 - 2010
- Types of Transportation to Work by Countyfrom 2005-2009 and 2006-2010
- Annual Number of Vehicular Fatalities in Missouri by County and Fatality Type from 2006-2010
- Number of Alcohol Establishments in Missouri by Zip Code for 2009
- Rate of Establishments Selling Alcohol per 10,000 Population in Missouri by County for 2009
- Percent of Fast Food Restaurants Compared
to Full-Service Restaurants in Missouri by
Zip Code for 2009 - Ratio of Convenience (Fast) Food Establishments to Establishments Selling Fresh Produce in Missouri by County for 2009
- Ratio of Convenience (Fast) Food Establishments to Establishments Selling Fresh Produce in Missouri by Zip Code for 2009
- Number of Fresh Produce Establishments in Missouri by Zip Code for 2009
- Number of Recreational Facilities in Missouri by Zip Code for 2009